Thursday, 8 May 2014

Review - Close Pop-In New Gen Nappy (v2)

As a member of the Clean Green Nappy Machine's 'SmartArse' Club, I was offered an extra £5 off any purchase I made during the two weeks over Squid's birthday. Fabulous! I thought....until I realised they had no Bumgenius nappies.
What's a girl to do? After deliberating over whether to buy a Blueberry or a Close Pop In, I went with the latter. Don't ask me why, it may have been the cute robots that swayed me. I do love a cute robot.

So here is the nappy, all fresh out of it's parcel packaging. I actually went for two prints, Grey/Yellow Robot and Orange/Blue Hippo. I really like that it comes with only cardboard packaging, great for recycling! Before I put it on Squid, I rinsed it once in the machine and hung to dry indoors. It took a good 24 hours to dry indoors.

Straight away, I noticed how soft both the inner bamboo fabric and the outer PUL were. I like that it has an absorbent core in the PUL layer, helping to draw wee to the centre of the nappy.

As part of the move from v1 to v2, Close have added these snazzy little pop out tabs to hold the velcro in place when it's in the washing machine. Very nice, but I do wonder how fiddly they would be if your baby did a proper poo-nami, and whether I would bother pulling them out and risk getting my hands covered in poo.

There's one main insert which snaps in place, and another smaller one which you can use as a booster if needed. The rise snaps have four settings, one more than my usual OS Bumgenius nappies. There's also a double gusset, as well as the main insert have elastic - so technically three barriers to help keep leaks at bay. The hook and loop tape is soft, and with the stretchy tabs you can get a great fit. Squid is two years old and weighs about 26lb, and had it on the third rise setting, so plenty of growing room.

Comparison of Pop In and Bumgenius v4 pocket on largest setting

Smallest setting

Side by side.

I would say that in comparison to my BG v4, it's very similar. A little narrower in the crotch, and when used with both inserts, the Pop-In is just a tiny bit trimmer than the v4 with both inserts.

I have to say, for only £16.99, I feel like I get a lot more 'bang for my buck' with these than I do with Bumgenius pockets. We tested it through an hour's car journey, plus another couple of hours of lunch (where Squid managed to drink not only a whole carton of juice, but most of his dad's too). No leaks.

I will certainly be buying more of these, the other prints are just gorgeous! It's a shame that they don't come in poppers too, but I'm sure I can convert if I really want to.

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